1.- USE AND RESTRICTIONS. The use of the portal www.mexbuy, com (“Portal”) expresses the user's full and unreserved adherence to these Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy. Through the Portal, the user will access and/or use various services and content (hereinafter, the “Services and Contents”), made available to users by MEX BUY, S.A. de C.V., (hereinafter jointly “MEX BUY”), and/or by third-party providers of Services and Content. MEX BUY will have the right to deny, restrict or condition the user access to the Portal, in whole or in part, at its sole discretion, as well as to modify the Services and Contents of the Portal, at any time and without the need for prior notice.

MEX BUY does not guarantee the availability and continuity of the operation of the Portal and the Services and Contents, nor the usefulness of the Portal or the Services and Contents in relation to any specific activity. MEX BUY will not be responsible for any damage or loss of any nature that may be caused due to the lack of availability or continuity of operation of the Portal and/or the Services and Contents.

2.- INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. The intellectual property rights with respect to the Services and Contents and the distinctive signs and domains of the Portal, as well as the rights to use and exploit them, including their dissemination, publication, reproduction, distribution and transformation, are the exclusive property of MEX BUY. The user does not acquire any intellectual property rights simply by using the Services and Contents of the Portal and at no time will such use be considered as an authorization or license to use the Services and Contents for purposes other than those contemplated in these Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy.

3.- INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OF THIRD PARTIES. The user agrees that the provisions established in paragraph 2 above regarding the ownership of the rights of MEX BUY are also applicable to the rights of third parties with respect to the Services and Contents of the pages linked to the Portal.

4.- PERMITTED USES. The use of the Services and Contents of the Portal is the sole responsibility of the user, who in any case must use them in accordance with the functionalities allowed on the Portal itself and the uses authorized in these Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy, so the user undertakes to use them in such a way that they do not violate the rules of use and coexistence on the Internet, the laws of the United Mexican States and the legislation in force in the country where the user is using them, good customs, dignity of the person and the rights of others. The Portal is for personal and user use, so you may not market the Services and Contents in any way.

5.- PROHIBITIONS. The user does not have the right to place hyperlinks to and from the Portal, nor the right to place or use the Services and Contents of the Portal on their own or third-party sites or pages without prior written authorization from MEX BUY. In addition, the user will not have the right to limit or prevent any other user from using the Portal.

6.- QUALITY OF SERVICES AND CONTENT. Neither MEX BUY, nor its suppliers or business partners will be responsible for any damage or harm suffered by the user as a result of inaccuracies, typographical errors and changes or improvements that are made periodically to the Services and Contents. The recommendations and advice obtained through the Portal are of a general nature, so they should not be taken into account when making personal decisions. To do this, an appropriate professional should be consulted who can advise the user according to their specific needs.

7.- LINKED THIRD-PARTY GOODS AND SERVICES. With regard to the Services and Contents provided by third parties within or through links to the Portal (such as links, banners and buttons), MEX BUY is limited exclusively, for the convenience of the user, to: (i) informing the user about them, and (ii) to providing a means of contacting the user with suppliers or sellers. The products and/or services that are marketed within the Portal and/or on the linked third-party sites are supplied by merchants independent of MEX BUY. MEX BUY is not and cannot be considered as a supplier of the goods and/or services offered on those pages and/or sites. The inclusion of such pages and/or links does not imply approval, endorsement, sponsorship, recommendation or guarantee, by MEX BUY, of the services and goods sold on them or the content of those pages. There is no type of employment relationship, association or partnership between MEX BUY and these third parties. All advice, advice, statements, information and content on the third-party pages linked to or within the Portal represent the opinions and judgments of that third party. Consequently, MEX BUY will not be responsible for any damage or harm suffered by the user as a result of them, including, but not limited to, damages caused by the loss of data or programs.

8.- CONFIDENTIALITY. MEX BUY undertakes to keep confidential the information it receives from the user that is of this nature in accordance with the applicable legal provisions, in the United Mexican States. MEX BUY does not assume any obligation to keep confidential any other information that the user provides, either when registering on the Portal or at any other time thereafter, including information that the user provides through newsletters, blackboards or online conversations (chats), as well as the information obtained by MEX BUY through the Cookies described in paragraph 11.

9.- MEX BUY PRIVACY PROGRAM. The security of your personal information is our priority. We protect this information by maintaining physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that meet or exceed the provisions of applicable law. We train our employees in the proper handling of personal information. When using other companies to provide services to us, we require them to protect the confidentiality of the personal information they receive.

10.- USE OF NON-CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. By using the Portal, the user authorizes MEX BUY to use, publish, reproduce, disclose, publicly communicate and transmit non-confidential information, in terms of the provisions of article 109 of the Federal Copyright Act and section I, of article 76 bis of the Federal Consumer Protection Act and in compliance with the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data Held by Individuals.

11.- COOKIES. The user who has access to the Portal agrees to receive the cookies transmitted to them by the MEX BUY servers. “Cookie” means a data file that is stored on the hard drive of the user's computer when the user has access to the Portal. Cookies may contain information such as the identification provided by the user or information to track the pages that the user has visited. A Cookie cannot read data or information from the user's hard drive or read Cookies created by other sites or pages.

12.- ACCESS CODES AND CONFIDENTIAL NUMBERS. At all times, the user is solely and ultimately responsible for keeping secret their user identification, personal passwords, access codes and other confidential data with which they can access the Services and Contents of the Portal, as well as to the pages of third parties.

13.- MODIFICATIONS. MEX BUY will have the right to modify the Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy at any time. Consequently, the user must carefully read the Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy each time they intend to use the Portal. Certain Services and Content offered to users on and/or through the Portal are subject to their own specific conditions that replace, complete and/or modify the Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy (hereinafter, the “Special Conditions”). Consequently, the user must also carefully read the corresponding Particular Conditions before accessing any Services and Contents.

14.- APPLICABLE LAWS AND JURISDICTION. For the interpretation, compliance and execution of this Agreement, the parties agree that the Federal laws of the United Mexican States will be applicable and that the courts of Mexico City, Federal District are competent, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction or jurisdiction that may apply to them by reason of their present or future domiciles.

15.- COMMENTS AND MESSAGES. To make your participation commenting on our items or services a positive experience, we ask that you review and accept the Terms and Conditions and the Rules we have for commenting on our service. By simply participating with your comments on the portal, we assume that you have accepted these Terms.

A). You are solely responsible for the content you provide. You may not contribute any content that violates the copyright, trademark and/or patent or other intellectual property rights of third parties. If it is understood that you do not comply with this provision, your content may be removed. It's very important that you don't submit content that falls under libel, defamation, obscenity, violates the privacy of others, or violates any applicable law or is otherwise inappropriate. If you commit any violation of this nature, you agree to compensate MEX BUY, its employees, agents and affiliates from any claim or damage, including legal fees, that result from any claim by any person related to the content provided by you. Any language intended to intimidate or incite violence will not be accepted.

B). Do you agree that Www.mexbuy.net is not responsible for the content provided by third parties. Accepting the possibility that all users have the right to give their opinion, it is important to recognize that content provided in interactive spaces is not necessarily monitored. However, MEX BUY may monitor the content provided by Users at its discretion and reserves the right to remove, edit or alter the content it deems inappropriate without their consent. MEX BUY also reserves the right to cancel Users' privilege to contribute content to its site at any time and without prior notice.

C). You acknowledge and agree that comments should not be used for commercial purposes or directed at minors. It is strictly prohibited to advertise, advertise, solicit funds or otherwise promote commercial entities or activities in the comment area. In the same way, it is forbidden to link, advertise or advertise to sites that are not suitable for minors, of pornographic origin, immoral, etc.

D). You acknowledge and accept that if you use information obtained through interactive spaces it will be at your own risk. MEX BUY is not responsible nor does it endorse or endorse the content provided by Users, nor does it attest to its correctness and veracity. This is just a space to interact and provide your opinions regarding the service.

E). You grant MEX BUY the license for the content provided. By simply providing information and/or content through the comment area, you are granting MEX BUY a perpetual, non-exclusive, free and worldwide license right to reproduce, store, edit, modify, publish, incorporate into databases, publicly communicate, sub-license, transmit, distribute, represent, or in any other way commercially exploit, in whole or in part, such content in any form and/or through any known or unknown means or technology.